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Vision & Aim

The Center for Aging Science (樂齡科學研究中心) aims to develop and foster a better understanding of healthy aging, promote the idea of balancing physical and psychological health, as well as sustaining relationships in old age. We aspire to be the leading center of aging science in Hong Kong.

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The aging research within HKUST is highly interdisciplinary and focuses on the understanding of the science of aging, from genomic data analysis, social impacts of aging, operations and decision analytics research to development of technology-based solutions for the betterment of healthy aging.


HKUST is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life of the aging population in Hong Kong and beyond. We do this through our research and by engaging with leading elderly care facilities such as Haven of Hope Christian Service (HOHCS), and regularly collaborating with local hospitals.


Through this interdisciplinary and holistic platform, HKUST is committed to focus on our strengths in science and technology. Besides addressing aging population issues, we believe it is important to engage younger generations in understanding the science of healthy aging and learning their important role in this aging society.