HKUST Academics Named RGC Senior Research and Research Fellows for Aging Research Projects


Six faculty members from HKUST were awarded a total of over HK$37 million fellowship grants for their distinguished research capabilities by the Research Grants Council (RGC) under the Council’s Research Fellow Scheme (RFS) and Senior Research Fellow Scheme (SRFS) for the year 2024/25.

Among them, the awarded projects of two faculty members are closely related to the Center for Aging Science’s initiatives on aging research.

Prof. Qian ZHANG, Tencent Professor of Engineering and Acting Head of the Division of Integrative Systems and Design, was recognized as Senior Research Fellow and awarded HK$8 million for her project titled "A Framework for Human-Centric Contactless Sensing Using mmWave Signal".

Prof. Tom CHEUNG, Associate Head and Professor of the Division of Life Science, was named Research Fellow and awarded HK$5.3 million for his project titled "Post-transcriptional regulation of muscle stem cell quiescence during physiological conditions and aging".

For further details of other RFS and SRFS awardees, please refer to the HKUST press release.